As we approach the new year and get ready to say goodbye to 2018, I’ve decided to focus on the good things (because there were plenty of negatives, especially politically, weren’t there!?). Although it’s easy to think about challenging, difficult times, or how much our back hurts, it’s important to remember the good. Just the simple act of thinking positively, or of a moment that made you laugh, can increase serotonin levels. And, we could all use more of that important, happy neurotransmitter in our busy, post-holiday fatigued brains!

Looking at cat photos increases serotonin levels by 85% (not a scientific fact). Shortly after Professor Tuds scratched the gate, he raced across the yard in the cutest, frisky run.
Luscious Blend.
Odonata’s 2015 Remembrance ($28) is a luscious blend of 75% Petite Sirah and 25% Grenache. It’s one of those bottles you open, pour, and immediately enjoy. Full, round body, opaque in the glass, and an easy sipper on its own. If you like big reds without too much tannin astringency, similar to jammy Zinfandels, you’ll love this delicious bottle. You’ll also love that proceeds go to important causes.

Almost too easy to keep refilling your glass… the 14.5% ABV can sneak up on you.
Giving Back Causes Happiness!
Odonata is a small, family owned and operated winery. Owner and winemaker Denis Hoey is giving back to his community and charities with his 2015 Remembrance. Proceeds from this vintage are given equally to Alzheimer’s research (Walk To End Alzheimer’s), a local women’s shelter (Dorothy’s Place), and Cancer Research (Relay For Life).
“We focus on grapes that are organic and grown sustainably, whether from our estate vineyards or from other local growers. We work closely with these growers to ensure the highest quality wines from the vines to the glass.” ~Odonata Wines

Supporting small wineries and important charities (and enjoying the wine) all make you happy! It’s kind of selfish, but I highly recommend you visit their website and buy this (their Pinot Noir & sparkling wine sound great too) bottle!
Thanks to Wine Friends.
Thanks to Dave (and Lin & Joe) of the Pink Society for sending me this bottle. It was a happy surprise to receive this wine gift—as well as another one I’m ready to open from Crux Winery! They have a winery cat named Macaroni (more happiness)! If you’re on Twitter, follow the #PinkSociety and join in on the wine conversations and to learn more about the many small, family-owned wineries and their stories. You’ll find new wines to love and make friends.
Cheers to a healthy, happy 2019 (and more wine!)…
Disclaimer: Buying this wine may cause sudden onset of happiness, selfish proud feelings, self pats on the back, feelings of knowing you’re doing something good, that feeling you get when you see your cat(s) race across the room all frisky, happy, and playful, increased serotonin levels, good mood, and other general good things. All opinions and cat photos are my own. Not subject for adoration or approval, but welcomed.